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Clients have included the New Zealand Parliamentary Service; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; the Commonwealth Secretariat; BKP Development Research and Consulting.
Trade Remedies
Developed, implemented and managed the programme for New Zealand’s administration of trade remedies (anti-dumping and countervailing duties, safeguards)
Managed the process by which a new function with new staff was implemented within a new organisation
Built processes and systems that are still being used for the investigation and reporting on applications for trade remedy protection
Provided strategic leadership that saw New Zealand recognised externally as a world-leading trade remedy administration, and internally as effective and fair
Led New Zealand’s Uruguay Round negotiations on anti-dumping and played significant role in achievement of the WTO Agreement on Anti-dumping
Led the consultation process that resulted in amendments to trade remedy legislation to implement Uruguay Round results
Managed New Zealand’s significant contribution to training foreign trade remedy administrators
International leadership role recognised through appointments to chair WTO dispute settlement panels
Contribution of information on New Zealand’s trade remedy implementation to a report prepared by BKP Development Research & Consulting GmbH for the European Commission on the evaluation of the EU's trade defence instruments (TDI)
Prepared draft trade remedy legislation for the Government of Malawi under a contract with the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Preparation of a New Zealand chapter for "Domestic Judicial Review of Trade Remedies" published by the Cambridge University Press
Contribution of New Zealand chapter in "Guide to International Anti-Dumping Practice" published by Kluwer Law
Trade Remedies Specialist, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - provided advice and assistance on trade remedies, trade negotiations and trade policy
Trade Remedies Specialist, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment - providing advice and assistance on trade remedy investigations and trade policy.
Delivered E-government Strategy refreshes in 2003 and 2006 that provided direction and support for government use of technology and enable innovation
Managed research and publication of reports on achievement of the E-government Strategy milestones in 2004 and 2007
Managed and contributed to the development of guidelines for business cases on e-government projects
Managed and contributed to work on the governance of shared activities in the State Services
Contributed to the development and governance of the Digital Strategy, which set the direction for New Zealand as a knowledge economy
Led the development of policy advice and strategic thinking that provided the basis for the current major infrastructure projects for an all-of-government authentication solution (now RealMe) and a government shared network
Managed the foundation stage of the e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) that provides the basis for policies, standards and guidelines for cross-agency collaboration
Led world-leading thinking and achievement in the formulation of principles, policies, standards and guidelines to address issues for the integrity of government-held information arising from new technologies
Championed the use of Web 2.0 technologies for better engagement between government and people, including the development of a Guide to Online Participation
Public Management
Delivered Managing and Monitoring Major IT Projects, guidelines for agencies to ensure that they managed the risk in major IT projects
Developed and managed process for monitoring of major IT projects; undertook a review of INCIS Inquiry recommendations
Contributed to machinery of government advice and solutions for food safety, development assistance, economic development, National Library, and e-government, which ensured that the structural approaches taken were based on sound analysis and advice
Led the implementation of new approaches to engaging with Ministers on their ownership interest in their portfolio departments in order to ensure that the public service can best meet the government’s expectations
Served on the Steering Committee for the SSC’s Pay and Employment Equity Review, aimed at making the department a better workplace
Served as a peer reviewer for the OECD Review of the Irish Public Service
Managed my team through a process of significant organisational change
Empowered staff to grow and build their experience and move on to roles within other agencies
e-GIF Management Committee — oversight of policies, standards and guidelines for the use of technology in government to ensure interoperability and collaboration
Digital Strategy Steering Group — advise, coordinate and make recommendations on Digital Strategy initiatives; make decisions on allocation of contestable funds
Geospatial Advisory Group — develop an all-of-government policy programme to give effect to the current and any future geospatial strategy
Business Portal Stakeholders Group — provide input into the strategy and nature of the business portal
Local Government ICT Working Group — promote best practice, encourage local authority involvement and effective participation in ICT, including the Digital Strategy, the E-government Strategy, the Geospatial Strategy and the New Zealand Digital Content Strategy
Conference Presentations
CISCO Nobel Summit, Stockholm, December 2007 — Government 2.0 — Fad or Future
GOVIS, Wellington, May 2007 — Trusted Computing and Digital Rights Management
Privacy Forum, Wellington, May 2007 — Business, Government and the Online Environment — What Does It Mean For Privacy?
EU Workshop on Trusted Computing from a European Perspective, Bonn, February 2007 — The Impact on the Public Sector, Trusted Computing and Digital Rights Management — The New Zealand Government Perspective
WTO and GATT Dispute Settlement
2021- Panellist, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS597 US — Origin Marking Requirements
2019- Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS546, US — Safeguard Measures on Washers
2018-19 Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS436 Article 21.5; US — Carbon Steel (India)
2017-18 Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS518 India — Iron and Steel (Japan)
2013-2014 Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS436 US — Carbon Steel (India)
2004 Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS269, DS286 EC — Chicken Cuts
2002 Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS213 US — Carbon Steel
2001 Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS189 Argentina — Ceramic Tiles
2000 Chairman, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel, DS165 US — Certain EC Products
1995-96 Panellist, WTO Dispute Settlement Panel: DS8, DS10, DS11 Japan — Alcoholic Beverages II
1994-95 Panellist, GATT Dispute Settlement Panel: EC — Audio Cassettes from Japan
Other Professional Achievements
2007 Peer Reviewer, OECD Public Management Review of Ireland
2006, 2007 Guest Lecturer, VUW masters courses on E-government
1998 Leader, Seminar on Trade Remedies, Buenos Aires
1998 Leader, Seminar on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, Cairo
1995 Chair, Anti-Dumping Session of APEC Conference on Competition Policy
1993 Guest Lecturer, GATT Workshops on Anti-dumping
1990/1993 Requested by GATT Director-General to act as “honest broker” to develop acceptable texts for Uruguay Round negotiations on anti-dumping.